Getting Started

For individuals and families new to giving, it can be challenging to sort through the wide range of charitable vehicles and discern which one works best for your desired outcome.

Our seasoned professionals will help you explore options that address your charitable goals and objectives both creatively and comprehensively. We can formulate a custom giving strategy for you and your family, ensure proper coordination with your estate and tax planning, and help you ensure that administration of your charitable giving runs smoothly over time.

Clients face a host of threshold questions and issues at the outset of their philanthropic journey, including:

  • What charitable goals and objectives do I hope to accomplish through my philanthropy?
  • How much of my own time and energy do I want to invest in my giving? How and to what extent do I want my family to share in the work of our family’s giving?
  • What are the legacy considerations for the focus of our family’s giving after I am gone?
  • How can I shape a giving program that is responsive to the needs of others, to my interests, and to what is happening in the world?
  • How can I infuse equity considerations into my giving?
  • How do I learn about nonprofit organizations working on issues I care about?
  • How do I know if the organizations I support are achieving what they set out to do?
  • What is involved in managing the affairs of a foundation or other vehicle through which I execute my giving?
  • How can I maintain my privacy or share my story?

Learn More

Implementation & Operations
The level and scope of our work varies based on client needs and their desired level of engagement. We offer a full range of philanthropic, legal and investment management services and will tailor our services to your needs.
Engaging the Next Generation
We focus on next-generation planning in all aspects of our practice, fielding questions from clients about how best to engage their children or grandchildren in the practice of the family’s philanthropy
Legacy Planning
Everyone defines their legacy in different ways. We work with clients to understand, shape, and preserve their definition of legacy for future generations.

Tandem Use of Private Foundations and Donor Advised Funds

News & Resources

Maine Philanthropy Center's 2025 Conference
Round the Bend: The Seeds We Sow 2025
Firm News
The HuB ~ Spring Newsletter
Ready to get started?
Contact a member of our Philanthropic Strategies team today!
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